
We spend time doing R&D on behalf of leaders like you.

Most organizations do not have the structure, resources or bandwidth to conduct R&D to solve some of the largest problems facing churches and non-profits. That’s exactly why we devote some of our best assets, thinking and time to these kinds of problems. We discover innovations and then share them. We call this process an Innovation Lab.


Here’s a few of the Labs we’ve developed:

Discipling Culture MicroLab

We are in the midst of a discipleship crisis here in the United States. This 3-Hour digital MicroLab introduces the Discipling Culture Roadmap that will help leaders build the future of discipeship in their church, while also digging into how to be intentional about culture-making with disciples in such a way that it sets off a chain reaction of evangelism.

Disciple-Making Innovation Lab

There are a lot of disciple-making models you can import into your church, but whether it’s small groups, Missional Communities, curriculum or something else, it’s almost always developed in someone else’s church. And often times, it doesn’t work like it did in the original place. This lab will help you design a discipleship model unique to the mission, vision and values of your church. One that will flourish and multiply in your context.

Brave Innovation Lab

This year-long coaching journey apprentices leaders to sharpen their skills, thinking, posture and concrete practices in Disruptive Innovation, Movemental Leadership and Spiritual Formation. 

Vision Integrator

You will walk away with a concrete action plan that not only addresses some of the key challenges you’re facing, but activates a compelling and innovative visionary plan for the future.

Custom Innovation Lab

When you need something that is completely tailored to where you and your team are, bringing in strategic outsiders with proven voices and genuine expertise is always a good move to get you going further, faster.

Our Process

Finding the future, together.

Finding the future, together.